Data Center UPS Systems

The Data Center UPS Systems Emerging Market Analysis Report delivers current market analysis plus a five-year market and technology forecast.

Demand for Continuous and Clean Power Drives Growth in Data Center UPS Systems Market

Data center UPS systems are defined as uninterruptible power systems (UPS) used to provide auxiliary power supply for a short duration while switching between major power sources in a data center. The increase in power quality problems, as well as the frequent occurrence of power cuts, has led to a surge in demand for UPS systems. Continuous and clean power is essential, especially for critical applications such as data centers. Hence, UPS manufacturers need to educate data center operators and system integrators about the benefits of advanced UPS solutions, such as high-density rack solutions. Additionally, suppliers need to expand product offerings to provide a one-stop solution, for both hyperscale and Edge data center applications, with a wide range of power spectrum and customized solutions.

Data Center UPS Systems Market Trends

In addition to providing a five-year market forecast, the Warehouse Management Systems market research provides detailed quantitative current market data and addresses key strategic issues as follows.

Suppliers Should Embrace Digitalization    

Digitalizing the assets and using a cloud-based architecture with predictive analytics enable end users to monitor the health and performance of assets, allowing them to predict equipment failures before they happen and minimizing unnecessary shutdowns that can cost millions of dollars. Digitalizing the operation of a UPS and providing remote monitoring by UPS suppliers provides a significant benefit such as predictive troubleshooting and truly uninterrupted service to data center operators. End user companies could make substantial improvements in their operating performance, enabling them to succeed in today‘s highly competitive market by embracing such technologies. Therefore, it is vital to seek UPS suppliers with digital services capabilities who can become effective partners when it comes to digitalization.

Explore New Opportunities with Renewable Power Generation    

For conventional and reliable secondary power, data centers could have multiple grid feeders, UPSs and batteries for short term, and diesel generator sets for the long term. Some may use a system that makes power from natural gas such as bloom energy fuel cells. Data center operators can also leverage renewable energy generation to reduce their carbon footprint and reduce their dependence on grids. Renewable energy is seen as a replacement for costly prime power such as diesel generators and natural gas fuel cells, and not as a substitute for short term back-up UPS systems such as a UPS. A combination of renewable energy generation and battery storage will play an important role in replacing fossil fuel-powered primary sources.

Data center operators in mature power markets can also take advantage of feed-in tariffs provided by local governments to supply renewable power to the grid, thereby seeking to generate revenue and reduce the cost of running establishments. In the future, hyperscale data centers can also leverage a combination of hydrogen PEM (proton exchange membrane) and fuel cells as a viable option for storing and utilizing excess energy generated from renewable sources in the form of hydrogen.

Mitigate Costly Downtime with Suitable UPS System    

Power failures are frequent, especially in developing regions, so every business/organization should review its contingency and emergency power plans. This is where the UPS comes in. ARC suggests that installing a suitable UPS is a proactive and cost-effective decision. It helps ensure profitability and productivity during any type of power disruption. Some of the factors that need to be addressed before selecting the best suitable UPS system are:

• Understanding the business environment
• Understanding the load profile
• Evaluating the power infrastructure
• Understanding the business uptime requirements
• Evaluating the total lifecycle cost of the UPS system

Major weather events can cause outages that last for weeks, which impacts the design of the UPS.
Selecting the right UPS system is an important decision that can have a significant long-term impact on the business. Understanding the five considerations mentioned above, can steer a business toward the best UPS system for any organization.

Formats and Editions Available

This market research may be purchased as a MIRA Service, an Excel Workbook, and/or as a Market Analysis Report (PDF). MIRA Services help unlock the full benefits of ARC’s market intelligence, making the data more actionable for you by adding qualitative context to our market data in an online environment unique to each customer. Regional editions include country and industry market data. Formats available are listed below:

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Table of contents for this research is shown in the following paragraphs.

Worldwide Research Focus Areas

Strategic Analysis

  • Executive Overview
  • Market Trends
  • Buyer Strategies
  • Supplier Strategies
  • Growth Contributors and Inhibitors

Competitive Analysis

  • Market Share Analysis
  • Leading Suppliers by Region
    • North America
    • Europe, Middle East, Africa
    • Asia
    • Latin America
  • Leading Suppliers by Industry
    • BFSI
    • Government & Public Sectors
    • IT
    • Telecom
    • Other Industries
  • Leading Suppliers by Power Range
    • Below 150 kW
    • 150 to 500 kW
    • Above 500 kW

Emerging Market Size and Forecast

  • Total Shipments of Data Center UPS Systems
  • Shipments by Region
    • North America
    • Europe, Middle East, Africa
    • Asia
    • Latin America
  • Shipments by Industry
    • BFSI
    • Government & Public Sectors
    • IT
    • Telecom
    • Other Industries
  • Shipments by Power Range
    • Below 150 kW
    • 150 to 500 kW
    • Above 500 kW

Industry Participants

The research identifies all relevant suppliers serving this market. 

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