Increased Demand for Quality Fuels Machine Vision Market

Industry Trends
ARC Advisory Group has just published a comprehensive updated market research study on Machine Vision for the 2015 Base Year. This ARC market study discusses current and historical market performance and related technology and business trends, profiles leading technology suppliers, and provides five-year global industry and regional forecasts for the machine vision market. Like all ARC market outlook studies, this report is based on ARC’s industry-leading market research database, extensive primary and secondary research, and proprietary economic modelling techniques. The machine vision (MV) market is vast, with a broad and geographically diverse range of suppliers, and a plethora of possible applications affecting dozens of industries. As the various industries and applications have differing accuracy requirements and vision challenges, the MV market is diffuse, and many suppliers do not come into competition with one another. Machine Vision Key Drivers:
  1. Increased ease-of-use. Machine vision technology has gradually replaced quality inspection performed by humans. The technology has been in existence for around 30 years, but ease-of-use and price was a major deterrent for most manufacturers until recently.  A MV system that may have taken months for an integrator to install may now be set up in a matter of hours.
  2. Industrial IoT. Many parts of the Industry 4.0 vision will be enabled by advances in the IIoT. Many will participate by having access to much more data, better analytics tools, and accurate information, and will increasingly make decisions based on the analysis generated by these resources.
  3. Global Demand for Quality. Failures in quality control are subject to intense scrutiny, magnified many times over by how interconnected the world has become. Machine vision can ensure that product meets specified tolerances, is packaged correctly, and contains no flaws.  Implementation of MV technology early in the production line can help avoid costly errors much later.  Global demand for quality drives the market particularly in the food & beverage, automotive, and pharmaceutical & biotech industries.
For more information, please visit: /market-studies/machine-vision

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