COVID-19 Impact for Industrial Manufacturers Survey

Take Survey! Use QR code or
click here:  COVID-19 Impact for Industrial Manufacturers Survey


As COVID-19 has impacted the industrial world for over a year, ARC Advisory Group would like to determine how industrial manufacturers and operations are managing the impact.  This short survey is meant to find out how industrial manufacturers are dealing with COVID-19 with respect to people, technology and processes, and how it is impacting your operations and business and what strategies and best practices are being used to cope with or lessen the impact of this developing situation.  Your responses and the responses of your peers will be included in aggregate in the report you will receive for taking this survey.

Who Should Take this Survey?

Representatives of manufacturing companies familiar with their organization’s people, processes and technologies that have been impacted by the global pandemic.  These typically include users and buyers of automation solutions, both hardware and software, across engineering (controls, process, production, maintenance), as well as management (plant, maintenance, operations, quality), and CxO (quality, operations, IT).

Privacy and Confidentiality

This survey requests information about your own experiences and observations.  ARC will keep all individual responses confidential, and only aggregate information will be used in any reports.

Benefits of Participating

ARC thanks you very much in advance for taking this survey.  By providing your contact details, we will send you a summary of the findings after the survey is completed..

Please contact Janice Abel at if you have questions about this survey

Survey can be found at COVID-19 Impact for Industrial Manufacturers Survey