Need for Real-time Flow Measurements Drives the Multiphase Flow and Virtual Flow Metering Solutions Market

New ARC Advisory Group research on the Multiphase Flow (MPFM) and Virtual Flow Metering (VFM) Solution market reveals that owner-operators and independents are increasingly relying on multiphase flow metering and virtual flow metering solutions for real-time measurements for production monitoring, field surveillance, and production optimization, among several other reasons.

“The benefits provided by multiphase flow metering solutions can be compelling, assuming the product performance ensures more than sufficient accuracy, reliability, and repeatability such that users not only save on the cost and space of production and test separators but also enjoy more real-time flow measurements.  This provides real-time visibility, greater operational agility, and the flexibility to adapt to changing flow regimes that many mature oil and gas wells exhibit,” according to Tim Shea, Senior Analyst at ARC Advisory Group and key author of ARC’s Multiphase Flow and Virtual Flow Metering Solutions Global Market Research report.

“Virtual flow metering solutions are seen as a less expensive complement to multiphase flow metering solutions that ensure validation of the MPFM, serve as a backup for an MPFM to ensure reliability and continuity in measurements, are a useful tool for estimating real-time well flow rates, and reduce the need for bulkier and often more expensive test separators,” added Shea.

About the Multiphase Flow and Virtual Flow Metering Solutions Research

Multiphase Flow Metering Market TrendsThis ARC research explores current market performance and related technology and business trends, identifies leading technology suppliers, and provides five-year global forecasts for the multiphase flow metering and virtual flow metering market.  This new research is based on ARC’s industry-leading market research database, extensive primary and secondary research, and proprietary economic modelling techniques.  The research includes competitive analysis, plus five-year market forecasts by region, measurement methodology, revenue category, project location, technology, MPFM application, VFM application, configuration, sales channel, and customer type. 

This new research is available in a variety of formats to meet the specific research and budgetary requirements of a wide variety of organizations.  These include a:

  • Market Intelligence Workbook (Excel) – personalized spreadsheet includes the current base year market data and five-year market forecast.  This workbook enables licensed users to freely manipulate the data to make it easier to analyze the latest data for business intelligence and generate custom reports.
  • Concise Market Analysis Report (PDF) – provides an executive-level summary of the current market dynamics, market forecasts, and competitive analysis, plus an overview of strategic issues.  The PDF is available with or without detailed charts.

For more information on this and other available ARC market research, please visit our Market Data & Studies section.

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